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Mixed Media
The New You;2018,
mixed media
- Arduino, 3d-print, laser-cut acrylic, acrylic paint, wood, gorilla glue, tubes and string
-programmed with an Arduino (software)
-modeled in Cinema4d and then 3D printed and glued together.
Technology today is quickly surpassing one’s wildest expectations. With the invention of 3D printing comes a whole new realm of possibilities. As technology continues to improve and become more available, individuals may start to abuse this power. There is a lot to gain from being one’s own maker.
It’s only so long before bio-printing could replicate a human heart. With this piece, I wanted to explore the idea of 3D printed organs. After the heart, we will be able to figure out how to 3D print anything, even another human.
heart 9 copy
heart 4 copy
heart 6 copy
heart 9 copy
heart new image 3
heart new image 1
heart new image 4
heart new image 3
file-3 (1)
in exhibition
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